Keeping Up with Shade of Face

Shade of Face FX in the press

Shade of Face FX Events

Shade of Face FX is involved in variety of projects and events spanning all four seasons.

From designing and executing makeup looks for theatrical productions, films and photoshoots - to face painting at local festivals and events.

Check out the calendar for details on current and upcoming events!

September 4, 2024

Shade of Face FX on TMJ4

It was such fun to work with TMJ4's James Groh on this little piece about my work! I love what I do, and all of the opportunities that have come my way so far - and look forward to those still to come!

Huge thank you to Shun Powell for the kind words, and use of his studio space! You're the best!

Thank you to all of the filmmakers, directors, actors, crew members, students, and friends that have included me in the great projects that allow me to shine. Wouldn't be able to do it with you!

Check out the article: Milwaukee Special Effects Makeup Artist Turns Fantasy Into Reality

Peace • Love • Kindness

June 19 - June 29, 2024

Frozen Heads to the International Thespian Festival

It has been such a privilege for not only the production team, but also the students involved with Disney’s Frozen: The Broadway Musical at Wauwatosa West High School!

When we started on this journey, I don’t think any of us realized just how life changing it would be. This show has given us so many amazing opportunities, one of the best being the opportunities to engage with the community!

  • The Mayor of Wauwatosa declared opening night Frozen Day

  • Our Elsa and Anna were part of a magical afternoon for a sweet little princess in collaboration with Special Spaces

  • Joy Ice Cream Social created a flight of ice cream featuring Frozen characters and donated a portion of funds to Tosa West Trojan Players

  • Cranky Al’s created special Frozen donuts and donated a portion of the funds to Tosa West Trojan Players

  • Ray’s Liquor did a profit share event and donated a portion of the funds to Tosa West Trojan Players

  • We got to remount the show for our own community to enjoy

And now we are headed to take Indiana by (snow) storm at the International Thespian Festival!!!! Once we close our Wauwatosa remount its time to pack our entire show (backdrops, sets, props, costumes, wigs, instruments, lighting equipment, sound equipment, etc.) and take off for Bloomington, Indiana. We are excited to take the main stage and close out the week of performances at ITF 2024!

It has been an incredible journey to get here, and we could not be more excited to have an amazing final performance in Indiana and close out this amazing run together!

Any and all support is greatly appreciated. See you at the show!

Peace • Love • Kindness

March 8, 2024

9 to 5: The Dolly Parton Musical

ITS OPENING NIGHT! Join us for 9 to 5: The Dolly Parton Musical!

We have been working hard to get this office ready to open for 9 to 5: The Dolly Parton Musical here at Wauwatosa West High School! Come see Violet, Doralee and Judy take on their boss in this hilarious and heartwarming musical.

Peace • Love • Kindness

February 2, 2024


I was so glad when my friend Chaunte reached out to bring me onto this short film project. This one was a fun challenge - and helped me level up my skills again. I got to meet new actors and work in a new creative space in the Chicagoland area which is always fun. I loved being able to work with the small team of passionate creatives to bring this film to life. A short, dark tale with a strong female lead - Lucky is a fun watch.

Please enjoy - Lucky

Peace • Love • Kindness

January 23, 2024

Tosa West Trojan Players Will Take Indiana By Storm

It was such a pleasure to be back in the theatre at Wauwatosa West High School to help deliver the big news to our cast and crew. Our production of Frozen: The Broadway Musical was selected to perform on the main stage at the International Thespian Festival!

We will be one of nine high schools from across the nation to bring our production to the main stage at this years festival in Bloomington, Indiana. We will be remounting the production here at Wauwatosa West first in June! Be sure to get your tickets and help us raise funds to take Indiana by (snow)storm!

Peace • Love • Kindness

November 10, 2023

Disney’s Frozen: The Broadway Musical

ITS OPENING NIGHT!! Join us for the Wisconsin High School Premiere of Disney’s Frozen: The Broadway Musical!

Wauwatosa West High School Trojan Players are excited to be the first and only high school in Wisconsin to perform Disney’s Frozen: The Broadway Musical this year as winners of the United States of Frozen: Love Is An Open Door contest. This is a huge honor, and being part of this production has been nothing short of AMAZING! Being part of the team to bring magic to life on stage is so humbling, and watching the students bring this story to life has been such a treat. Don’t miss your chance to be a part of the magic that is Disney’s Frozen: The Broadway Musical!

Peace • Love • Kindness

October 4, 2023

Gabriel Drabkin - Stuck

Always love an opportunity to head out to Pep’s Studio to work with the boyz of Found Format (Steven Cleavland & Kyle Kadow), and the ever amazing, Cody Laplant - especially one involving such a fun concept. The experience was elevated when I found out the makeup look was not only a black eye, but a black eye from a punch to the face by a BEAR! Never a dull moment in makeup world. This short, but catchy song by Gabriel Drabkin is sure to be on repeat in your head for a while. Smooth vocals, and a great beat with a bright bubbly video.

Enjoy the mental break, Gabriel Drabkin - Stuck

Peace • Love • Kindness

September 6, 2023

Lizard Boy

The definition of TRUST THE PROCESS, Lizard Boy is an awesome short film about friendship and transformation. Are lizard people real? What would happen if we could splice lizard and human DNA? Would the result be super or dangerous? Find out in Lizard Boy, the story of Mark, a young man with a thirst for knowledge and wanting nothing more than to keep his friend group close - he risks it all - but will it be worth it? Written and directed by Shun Powell, Jr. (@shunpfilms), this creature feature was a school project that ended up making its big screen debut at the Milwaukee Film Festival in 2022. It was a challenge to work on, but leveled up my skills as usual. It forced everyone on set to think outside the box and be creative in every department.

Let the transformation begin, Lizard Boy

Peace • Love • Kindness

May 26, 2023

Pterodactyl King - Pathway to Peace

A boring day at the office is shaken up by a visit from some otherworldly guests. Is it just the drugs, or are there really aliens in our midst?! Decide for yourself in this awesome music vide for Pathway to Peace, by Pterodactyl King. This project was my first time sculpting, molding and running a large scale full face piece in silicone. It was a an absolutely welcome challenge and taught me so much about the process. Some things worked, and other things didn’t - but all in all everyone was happy with the outcome of the makeups on set. The guys had a blast wearing them, and we laughed all day watching them in the video and on break grabbing snacks and drinks from the crafty table. Cannot wait for the next big project. For now, I am happy with the outcome of this video. Huge shoutout to the boys over at Found Format (@found_format) for always bringing me on their crazy adventures.

Enjoy Earthlings, Pterodactyl King - Pathway to Peace

Peace • Love • Kindness

October 28, 2022

In Tongues - Sin

Just in time for Halloween, a music video featuring witches and demons. A dark story and heavy metal music come together in this chilling music video from In Tongues. I really enjoyed the opportunity to work on this project. It was fun to create dark and disturbing FX for these characters. I also got to meet and work with Joshua Everetts (@joshua_everetts), a super talented mask maker, who is looking to break into the FX makeup world! Getting to work together on this project is just the start of many more collaborations, I am sure. According to story writer, Ricky Stark Gonzalez, this is just the first installment in a trilogy of videos - each one increasing in gore, becoming more disturbing as the story continues. Not positive of Shade of Face FX will be featured on all three - but keep your eyes peeled for these intense videos, as they will surely rock your socks off.

Buckle up and enjoy the ride, In Tongues - Sin

Peace • Love • Kindness

August 13, 2022

Riolanza ~ Say What You Mean

I got to put on my crafter hat and raid the floral section of all the craft stores nearby to create a Regal Jungle Collar and Dancing Garden masks for this awesome music video by Xavier Schaetzke and Taylor Wolter. Anytime they put their heads and talents together the outcome is just amazing - and this is no exception. I love being challenged to create wearable props, and since the masks were for the talented dancers you will see in the video that made the challenge even greater.

Showing up on set I was nervous and excited to see if things worked the way should - and miraculously everything came together and worked as exactly as planned. The addition of the gorgeous Historic Kenosha Theatre gave the perfect atmosphere and backdrop for the fresh blooming floral. This is one of my favorite projects to date.

Without further ado, Riolanza - Say What You Mean

Peace • Love • Kindness

 December 3, 2021

After Hour Animals ~ Shitshow

Had the pleasure of heading down to Peoria, IL for this music video with After Hour Animals. We had the pleasure of shooting in the Bartonville Asylum, a wonderful location that hosts its own haunted events, and was full of amazing masks, props and costumes! Huge shoutout to them for not only providing an inspiring and wonderful filming space, but also having actors and costumes on hand to help bring our vision to life.

As usual my friends, Xavier Schaetzke and Taylor Wolter, totally nailed the camerawork as usual. Xavier even used his new favorite toy, the Onewheel to capture some awesome 360 shots.

There is lots to enjoy in this one. So, please enjoy, After Hour Animals - Shitshow

Peace • Love • Kindness

 October 29, 2021

After Hour Animals ~ In Your Hands

Always a fun time shooting with the boys in After Hour Animals - and this one was no exception!

Not only did I get to turn my insanely talented photographer friend, Taylor Wolter, into a Zombie Babe, but I also have tons of beautiful images due to the stunning camera work by the incredible, Xavier Schaetzke. Always a pleasure to be on set with this dynamic duo, so be sure to check them out.

Please enjoy, just in time for Halloween weekend - After Hour Animals - In Your Hands

Thank you for your interest in Shade of Face FX.

Peace • Love • Kindness

 September 23, 2021

Cat Cam

Always a blast to work on a fun project with a group of Milwaukee based filmmakers and actors I have never worked with before. Each set gives so much insight and helps every single person involved grow.

This short film was created over two days, by a team of 13 talented professionals with a passion for filmmaking excellence.

Please head over to the film page and enjoy - Cat Cam

Thank you for your interest in Shade of Face FX!

Peace • Love • Kindness

 July 13, 2021

Stay ~ Inspired by ‘The Last of Us’

About a year ago I joined an amazing team of film makers, actors and artists to create a short film set in the world of the video game ‘The Last of Us.’ This project allowed me to build my first creature - a Clicker!

Clickers are not your traditional zombie, these bad boys feature a fungus that explodes out the top of their skull - splitting the face and upper jaw in two. They move about the world using clicking sounds and echo location as they can no longer see. Such a challenge to create a wearable piece that still allows our actor to move and see while maintaining that terrifying look.

Take a closer look at the build process!

5 filming days, 90+° weather, talented actors, passionate crew, tons of friends old and new - I AM LIVING THE DREAM. The Milwaukee area has an amazing amount of talent hidden within it, and we are only going up from here!

Please enjoy - Stay - Inspired by ‘The Last of Us’

As always, thank you for your interest in Shade of Face FX!

Peace • Love • Kindness

April 2, 2021

Past Is Prologue ~ Tevye

For this music video we got to film in a unique venue that offers tons of different sets in one space. They had tons of different props and decorations that could be moved around and reconfigured as needed. It allowed the creativity in all of us to flow and create this awesome piece of art.

Lots of fun and even a little bit of danger was involved in making this music video. Always a blast to work with Xavier Schaetzke on a project and was awesome to meet the guys in Past Is Prologue!

Please enjoy - Tevye by Past Is Prologue

Thank you for your interest in Shade of Face FX

Peace • Love • Kindness

February 4, 2021

Sierra ~ All About Love

A minimal crew, a suite in the Knickerbocker hotel, and a night under the freeway overpasses of my beautiful city. A dark and unsettling story line put to a song with a driving beat - featuring the awesome direction of the talented, Parker Gayan, and lighting and cinematic genius of the ever awesome, Spencer Ortega.

I got to play with blood quite a bit on this one, and had lots of fun with our actors behind the scenes.

Please enjoy - All About Love by Sierra

Thank you for your interest in Shade of Face FX!

Peace • Love • Kindness

 January 31, 2021

Welcome to Shade of Face FX!

I am so incredibly excited to finally share the new web home for Shade of Face FX with all of you! Thank you so much for your support over the years and now as this new chapter begins.

I have had the privilege to work with so many talented people I now get to call friends on some truly amazing projects. I have been challenged and have surprised myself in so many ways. I cannot wait to continue to grow my skills and portfolio on the many projects still to come.

I have some fun things in the works - keep checking back to ensure you don’t miss anything.

Please take a look through the site, and enjoy. You are always free to reach out to me with any questions or feedback.

Peace • Love • Kindness,
Shade of Face FX